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Waterfront Renaissance Trail - city parks website
trail map
Haven't been yet. Urban, but sounds pleasant.
- suggested by S.N.
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The Access Recreation Project
The Intertwine
Portland Parks and Rec - a list of parks that have "paths - paved"
Springwater Corridor
Crystal Springs Rhododendron Garden
Eastbank Esplanade
Gresham-Fairview Trail
Mt Tabor Park
Portland Memory Garden
Powell Butte
Reed campus
Tideman-Johnson Park
The Grotto
Kelly Point Park
Marine Drive bike path
Peninsula Crossing Trail
Smith and Bybee Wetlands
Cooper Mountain Nature Park
Cottonwood Bay Park
Elk Rock Garden at the Bishop's Close
Fanno Creek Greenway Trail
Hoyt Arboretum
Marquam Nature Park
Tryon Creek
Tualatin Hills Nature Park
Tualatin River National Wildlife Refuge
Burnt Bridge Creek Trail
Frenchman's Bar Trail
Salmon CreekTrail
Waterfront Renaissance Trail
Champoeg State Heritage Area
Clackamette Park
Graham Oaks Nature Park
Mollala River State Park
Trolley Trail
Banks-Vernonia State Trail
Catherine Creek
Historic Columbia River Highway State Trail
Mount St Helens Visitor Center at Silver Lake
Wildwood Recreation Site
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